The Royal Horror Picture Show

Denmark has its latest scandal in form of a picture. The press has dubbed it the Royal Horror Picture Show. Artist Thomas Kluge is proud of it. he Royal family is reputed to have given a positive verdict on it. But what do you think of it?

The Wonder of The World: Emperor Frederick II

Hohenstaufen Frederick II Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire and King of Sicily was and still is regarded as a medieval thinker and philosopher. Many believe that he was breaking a lance for enlightenment and tolerance. Proof thereof is his supposed friendship with Muslim leaders. Question is: Is there any viable proof for this claimed friendship?

Emperor Frederick II

King Albert II of The Belgians Feels The Pension Pinch

Are you retired and have to live on a state pension without subsidy by private pension schemes? If so, you will understand the predicament of King Albert of the Belgians after he retired in July 2013. It is quite obvious that the meager handouts from the government are leaving him and his wife Queen Paola destitute and freezing in a hovel.

King Albert II of the Belgians

Celia Countess von Bismarck (1971 to 2010)

Celia Countess von Bismarck was born as Celia Demaurex in Geneva in 1971. She married and got divorced from Carl-Eduard Count von Bismarck, but kept the family name after the divorce. She died in Geneva of cancer at the age of 39.

Celia Countess von Bismarck